Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sierra Vista, Arizona

I decided that life is always changing and there is no reason to plan months in advance. Spencer and I had 6 months planned before he left to do Army training, but everything seem to change after about a month after he left. It is a long story so I will make it brief. The place where I was working full-time needed to downsize at the end of June and unfortunately I was part of the downsize. So I lost my job and I really didn't know what I was going to do with myself. I really thought I might go crazy without a full time job. So that pretty much sucked.

Spencer came home for the 4th of July and we were talking about different options that I had. We came to the conclusion that I was going to move with him to Sierra Vista, Arizona for three months while he finished up his Army training. I felt really good about this decision. I was stressing about what I would do with myself down there since I didn't feel like I could get a decent job since I was only going to be there for only three months. I would like to say that I know the Lord hears and answers prayers. I was praying about if this was the right move and what I should do. Well the company that had let me go needed part-time help with the marketing side and asked me to come back part-time. I told them I was moving to AZ and they said that I could work remotely. I was so glad that everything worked out.

We have been down here for about two weeks. It definitely has been a change. I went from hanging out with my sister and her two girls all day to hanging out with myself most of the day. The first question every one asks is, "Is it sooo hot?" No, not hot at all. Sierra Vista is about the same altitude as Utah. Right now they are in the monsoon season so it is a bit rainy. Sierra Vista is about 30 minutes from the Mexican border so we are very far south. It has been fun to be with Spencer and have weekends to go to the surrounding cities and visit. I haven't been the best at taking pictures, but I have a few. Every night the sunset is beautiful and there are pretty awesome lightning storms.

Hopefully I will be better at blogging our adventures down here. Last weekend we went to Bisbee, which is a hippy town and we headed to Tucson to do some shopping since Sierra Vista has a pretty crappy mall. Even though I had my camera I didn't take any picture, but there is always this weekend!