A couple of weekends ago Spencer and I moved out of our apartment. I have to admit I am sad to have moved out. I don't so much miss the cinder block walls, the AstroTurf carpet, and the many different smells that accumulated in our apartment during dinner time. But I do miss the people. It takes me a little while to get out of my comfort zone and start to talk to people and make friends, so right when I was getting warmed up to people we have to pick up and move. I have to say we lived by some great people. Our ward was great, our first Sunday there we were greeted by ward members that made us feel welcome...gosh I sure do miss the ward.
So now we live with my parents. We are so fortunate to be able to stay there and save money, we are grateful to my parents for letting us be "live-ins" for a little while. I will be living there for the next 6 months, while Spencer is doing more Army training (June-November) in Georgia and Arizona. I know November will be here before I know it, but right now it seems like forever away.
I should mention that this past Sunday, May 3, Spencer and I have been married one whole year. We didn't really celebrate much since we are going to Cancun at the end of May to celebrate. We just cuddled and watched Twilight.
Can't believe it has been a year. It feels like just yesterday that I was planning and graduating and stressing out. It really has been such an awesome year of course there were hard times, there will always be hard times, but there were also great times, spiritual times, and just plain fun times. I look forward to the next year. I know this year will bring many changes which I look forward to.
(Wish I had pictures of our wedding to post, but that CD got packed away and I am not going to dig through all of our stuff for it.)